Friday, 24 May 2013

Gender sensitization in schools

                                 Gender Sensitization in Schools


    In the changing scenario of the modern world where men and women  work together and interact in the professional, the social and the domestic front, gender equality is an essential criterion to be observed by responsible human beings. Gender sensitization is about making people aware of the need to bring about a quantum change in our mindset which sees man as the bread winner and woman as the house keeper. The home- bound woman of yester- years has metamorphosed into the smart, dynamic modern woman who is adept at balancing her professional and domestic lives. She has successfully carved a niche for herself in the scheme of things. Given the increasing number of women who work alongside with men for long hours in the professional field, the need of the hour is to develop a cordial and amiable working environment where there is mutual respect and trust between the sexes, without sexual innuendoes and obstructive chauvinism to mar the atmosphere. The foundation for this changing mindset should be laid right from childhood and that is why the school plays a pivotal role in gender sensitization.

   The school being a miniature society, the first step of gender equality should begin at the school level. The safety of woman has been a matter of concern right from the days of yore. In the absence of effective legislation and punitive measures for the wrong doers, the safety of the girl child is a topic that plagues the mind of every parent. That is why we make a bee line for exclusive schools for boys and for girls, special seats reserved for women in buses, special compartments for ladies in trains etc. But in life, instead of such escapist tendencies to safe guard women, our effort should be to make the society and the country a safe and comfortable place for ladies as well as for men.

   Many women who have inveigled themselves into key positions in society  still feel  insecure and find their positions  precarious. Some are filled with extreme competitive spirit. ‘What men can do ,women can do better’ is a motto that the modern woman is bent on proving over and over again. In the process she is unconsciously generating jealousy, inferiority complex and other negative emotions in men. This will do more harm than good. Right from the primary level, boys and girls should understand that though they have gender differences, both the male and the female species of human kind have an important and worthy role to play in the great drama of life. There should be healthy relationship based on respect, understanding and concern. In the matter of brain power, skill and talents, some may be superior or inferior but that has nothing to do with the gender.

 Parents are to a great extent responsible for such discrimination. Right from a young age, they expect the girl child to conform to the role of the meek, submissive and lesser human being while the boy in the family gets away without punishment for his cruel pranks. The school provides the right environment to do away with such rigid social mores. The teacher takes the pride of place as mentor and guide, showing the child its place in society. The days of damsels in distress and knights in shining armour are over. Let us embolden our girls to stand their ground and fight for their rights. Let us sensitize our boys to the fact that a six pack is not all that defines masculinity and that brain power is mightier than brawn power. Value education should be a part of the school curriculum so that girls and boys can imbibe values and have an insight into the intricate fabric of society in which each has an important role to play. Let them understand that thoughtfulness, regard, respect and concern for others will pave the way for smoother running of society than aggressiveness, impudence and gross disregard for others’ feelings.

    As citizens of a democratic country, we cannot turn a blind eye to our duties and responsibilities to the society and the country. What happened to a hapless girl in the capital city on 16 Dec 2012 has given a jolt to the Indian psyche. It has made us wonder what could have turned ordinary people into such cruel beasts devoid of any humane qualities. Something has gone wrong with the very fabric of society which is bound to protect every one who comes within its frame work. It is worthy to note that it was the youth of India that took the initiative to voice their protests vehemently at the time. The youth of India, of which the student community is an integral part, is a force to reckon with. Since the future of India is being shaped in her class rooms, it is our duty, as educators, to carve a future for our youth wherein they can interact and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration. Let the class rooms be the work shops where young minds can learn the lessons of life with joy and comfort and gear up to work with devotion and live a wholesome life.


 Shailaja Chandran, PGT(English), St. Thomas Central School, Mukkolakkal, Trivandrum.    

 ( This article has been published in CBSE's quarterly magazine CENBOSEC Jan-March edition)